Niezwykle ciekawe dane podała Financial Stability Board w niedzielę (18.11.2012). Globalny sektor shadow banking zwany po polsku parabankowym*, urósł do 67 bilionów dolarów w 2011 roku, o 6 bilionów więcej niż w roku 2010 i do poziomu wyższego niż przed kryzysem (w 2007 roku było to 62 bilionów). Pozwolę sobie przytoczyć kluczowe wnioski z raportu FSB (wytłuszczenia moje):
1) According to the “macro-mapping” measure, the global shadow banking system, as conservatively proxied by “Other Financial Intermediaries” grew rapidly before the crisis, rising from $26 trillion in 2002 to $62 trillion in 2007. The size of the total system declined slightly in 2008 but increased subsequently to reach $67 trillion in 2011 (equivalent to 111% of the aggregated GDP of all jurisdictions). Compared to last year’s estimate, expanding the coverage of the monitoring exercise has increased the global estimate for the size of the shadow banking system by some $5 to $6 trillion.
2) The shadow banking system’s share of total financial intermediation has decreased since the onset of the crisis and has remained at around 25% in 2009-2011, after having peaked at 27% in 2007. In broad terms, the aggregate size of the shadow banking system is around half the size of banking system assets.
2) The shadow banking system’s share of total financial intermediation has decreased since the onset of the crisis and has remained at around 25% in 2009-2011, after having peaked at 27% in 2007. In broad terms, the aggregate size of the shadow banking system is around half the size of banking system assets.
3) The US has the largest shadow banking system, with assets of $23 trillion in 2011, followed by the euro area ($22 trillion) and the UK ($9 trillion). However, the US’ share of the global shadow banking system has declined from 44% in 2005 to 35% in 2011. This decline has been mirrored mostly by an increase in the shares of the UK and the euro area.
4) There is a considerable divergence among jurisdictions in terms of: (i) the share of non-bank financial intermediaries (NBFIs) in the overall financial system; (ii) relative size of the shadow banking system to GDP; (iii) the activities undertaken by the NBFIs; and (iv) recent growth trends.
4) There is a considerable divergence among jurisdictions in terms of: (i) the share of non-bank financial intermediaries (NBFIs) in the overall financial system; (ii) relative size of the shadow banking system to GDP; (iii) the activities undertaken by the NBFIs; and (iv) recent growth trends.
5) The Netherlands (45%) and the US (35%) are the two jurisdictions where NBFIs are the largest sector relative to other financial institutions in their systems. The share of NBFIs is also relatively large in Hong Kong (around 35%), the euro area (30%), Switzerland, the UK, Singapore, and Korea (all around 25%).
6) Jurisdictions where NBFIs are the largest relative to GDP are Hong Kong (520%), the Netherlands (490%), the UK (370%), Singapore (260%) and Switzerland (210%). Part of this concentration can be explained by the fact that these jurisdictions are significant international financial centres that host activities of foreign-owned institutions.
7) After the crisis (2008-2011), the shadow banking system continued to grow although at a slower pace in seventeen jurisdictions (half of them being emerging markets and developing economies undergoing financial deepening) and contracted in the remaining eight jurisdictions.
6) Jurisdictions where NBFIs are the largest relative to GDP are Hong Kong (520%), the Netherlands (490%), the UK (370%), Singapore (260%) and Switzerland (210%). Part of this concentration can be explained by the fact that these jurisdictions are significant international financial centres that host activities of foreign-owned institutions.
7) After the crisis (2008-2011), the shadow banking system continued to grow although at a slower pace in seventeen jurisdictions (half of them being emerging markets and developing economies undergoing financial deepening) and contracted in the remaining eight jurisdictions.
Jednym z najciekawszych zjawisk jest eksport sektora poza granice USA, głównie do Europy. Poszczególne jurysdykcje muszą się teraz mocno pośpieszyć z wprowadzaniem restrykcyjnych regulacji dotyczących sektora. Kto zostanie w tyle, ten będzie zmuszony przyjąć przepływy pieniężne wielokrotnie przewyższające własne PKB i zwielokrotniające ryzyko systemowe. Coś czuję, że wyścig rozpocznie się już niebawem, a jaki będzie jego skutek na globalny system finansowy - kto może przewidzieć?
Jeszcze jedna ciekawa rzecz. FSB estymuje wartość sektora shadow banking w USA na 23 biliony dolarów w 2011 r. Mocno kontrastuje to choćby z wyliczeniami prywatnej firmy Deloitte, która szacuje jego wartość na 9,3 biliony, jednocześnie uważając, że obecnie jest on znacząco mniejszy niż oficjalny sektor bankowy. To pokazuje jak trudno uchwycić sektor shadow banking i jak wiele wniosków zależy od przyjęcia metodologii liczenia. Im mniej wiemy o tym zjawisku tym gorzej dla zarządzania ryzykiem z nim związanych, które jest olbrzymie (porównania do wielkości PKB wystarczą, aby ocenić, czy jest ono wyższe czy niższe niż związane np. z papierami hipotecznymi (ABS) w USA w II połowie pierwszego dziesięciolecia XXI wieku).
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The Deloitte Shadow Banking Index, źródło: Deloitte |
* Uwaga, niewiele ma on wspólnego z firmami typu "Amber Gold" czy nawet "Provident" z którymi kojarzy się ta nazwa w Polsce.
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